Amazon Athena
Querying in Amazon Athena
- Upload the files to S3:
> cd output
> aws s3 sync . s3://<your_bucket>/ethereumetl/export --region ap-southeast-1
Sign in to Athena
Create a database:
CREATE DATABASE ethereumetl;
- Create the tables:
- blocks: schemas/aws/blocks.sql
- transactions: schemas/aws/transactions.sql
- token_transfers: schemas/aws/token_transfers.sql
- contracts: schemas/aws/contracts.sql
- receipts: schemas/aws/receipts.sql
- logs: schemas/aws/logs.sql
- tokens: schemas/aws/tokens.sql
Airflow DAGs
Refer to for the instructions.
Tables for Parquet Files
Read this article on how to convert CSVs to Parquet.
- Create the tables:
- parquet_blocks: schemas/aws/parquet/parquet_blocks.sql
- parquet_transactions: schemas/aws/parquet/parquet_transactions.sql
- parquet_token_transfers: schemas/aws/parquet/parquet_token_transfers.sql
Note that DECIMAL type is limited to 38 digits in Hive so values greater than 38 decimals will be null.